Garrick is an original short fictional narrative composed by live-action performance captured on high definition (HD) video conveyed with CGI and classical animation. The main goal of the project is to develop photo realistic virtual environments and their integration with live action. The project also covers the development of workflows in both production and post-production for the automation of rendering processes, and pre-visualization.
The Production of Garrick
The film was produced in different stages and required a significant amount of preproduction, production, and post-production work. The live action phase was recorded in studio during 5 days. The pre-production and post-production phases took about a year to complete.
Live Action production
The film was shot at the Emerson College Vin Di Bone Television Studios in Boston, Massachusetts. A crew of media artists, television production students and actors were part of a 3 day shooting employing match camera tracking and green screen live action sequences composed with 3D virtual environments depicting London in late 1800's.
Sample Rendered Composites